Psalm 27:1

The Lord is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Mean Mama

Boy, I am such a mean mama!! The other day, Hannah was told not to do something (what, I don't remember now). She decided to press the issue and continue doing it. Since nothing else worked, I had her sit in time-out while I finished the dishes. Afterwards, I made her write "I will listen to my mother" 50 times. When she was done, she said her hand her and she was going to start listening.

Tonight while I was getting dinner on the table, I told the kids it was time to eat. It was the usual drama: they wanted to continue to watch t.v. instead. Next thing I know, the kids are outside playing in the backyard. They told Mike, not me, that they weren't hungry and wanted to play instead. Since they didn't do what they were told, I decided they could not eat until they complied with their punishment: writing "I will listen to my mother" 25 times for Hannah and "Listen to mama" five times for Will or they could not eat.

I know, HOW COULD I DO THAT AND BE SO MEAN?! They have to learn to do what they are told or they will be face the consequences. Unfortunately, it is a battle Mike and I face all the time with them. Since other punishments haven't worked (time-out, grounding, taking toys away, spankings, etc), I decided to come up with having them write.

We will see how this goes. Right now, Will keeps telling me that it is boring and he doesn't want to write. Oh well. Please pray for us!!!

1 comment:

cnbsmom said...

Good idea!!! I hope it works for you!!! We have the same issues here if it makes you feel any