Psalm 27:1

The Lord is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Wired Little Boy

I don't know what has gotten into Andrew tonight but he is wired for sound. Before bed, he was running around the house, outside in the yard, going full tilt. His mouth has been busy too as he has been (and still is) talking up a storm. Mike and I put him to bed about 8:30 tonight. He has not stopped talking. He has been singing, counting to eleven and saying his alphabet (as best as he can). He is blowing raspberries (you know, BBBLLLTTTT sound) and talking non-sense. One time I heard him jumping in his bed. When I was in the boys' room laying down with Will, Andrew kept busy. He would flip-flop around, kick his legs up in the air, lay with his feet on his pillow, ask me what I was doing, etc. He would also ask where the rainbow went (we saw one after Will's practice ended because a heavy rain storm snuck up) and where the tow truck went. Poor Will can't get any sleep because of Andrew. Whatever he has been into, I want it.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Games and Bacon Bits

Bacon Bits first - yes, I know it sounds odd. Today while I was checking the computer to see what fields the kids' were playing on, Andrew got into my refrigerator. Gracie, Hannah's friend, came back bringing an empty bacon bits bag. Apparently, Andrew had decided to help himself to the half-full bag of bacon bits and ended up spilling them all over the couch, floor and dogs. When I went into the living room, where the incident happened, Baron was enjoying himself as he ate the bacon bits off the floor and off Gracy, the dog. After spanking Andrew's bottom, I got out our little hand vac and cleaned up what Baron didn't get. Two-year olds - gotta love 'em.

Hannah and Will both played ball tonight, again at the same time. Mike said Will's team did okay. They played a team of 6-7 year olds that were competitive. The Cubs did their best but didn't win the game. Will told me he struck out while at bat. Poor baby! Better luck next time.

Hannah's team, the Sparks, played the Lady Dawgs. Both teams had red, white and black uniforms. The front of our shirts are white whereas the Dawgs' shirts were red. It was a little confusing at first. The game was almost a shut-out, and not in our favor. Luckily, in the fifth and sixth innings, the Sparks came back and closed the huge gap. We still lost but it was 11-10. Our team hasn't played since our game last week. The girls were acting like they were afraid of the ball. During most of the game, our girls were striking out or getting out at first base, not much of a threat, I thought. During the last inning, the Lady Dawgs started chanting (why then, I don't know - they hadn't done it any other time we were at bat), trying to throw off the coach pitching and the batter. It didn't work like they thought because, instead of distracting the girls, it encouraged them and we got quite a few runs and some great hits. Hannah struck out her first time at bat, got to second base after her second bat, and made it home after batting a third time (No, she did not get a homerun. She was an RBI for another player.) The coach realized the girls need to work on their skills so we are having practice this Thursday and next Monday. Hannah's next game is next Tuesday and Will's is May 14th.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Lazy Evenings

Tonight was one of those wonderful lazy evenings. Mom needed her thermostat replaced and asked Mike for help. Since he was going over, Melanie, me and the kids joined them and brought pizza. We ate outside on the patio, enjoying the wonderful temps. It was the best kind of dinner. All I had to do was pick up the pizza (I didn't have to cook - WHOO HOOO!!) . We ate outside and used paper plates. Mom had a new table cloth that we used on the table. The kids drank Capri Suns and the adults had Cokes. Clean-up was a breeze. I just put everything in the pizza boxes and threw them in the outside garbage can. Mom, Melanie and I sat outside watching the kids play while Mike worked on the thermostat. NICE!!!

On a sad note, Gracy our dog isn't doing too well. To look at her, you would think that nothing is wrong. She wants to be loved on and loves to lay on her back in the hall where it is cool. You only notice a problem when she gets up and walks. Her limp has gotten more pronounced. Every day I wake up thinking it could be the day I have to take her to the vet and say good-bye. I dread it so much. The kids know it's coming. Will tells me, matter of fact in his 5-year old way, that Gracy is going to die. Hannah and I had a good cry about it the other day. I've tried to prepare them the best I know how. We've talked about Gracy going to heaven and how happy she will be. We've talked about the verses in Ecclesiastes where there is a time for everything. They know that God and Jesus is going to take good care of her until we get there.* But, it is still hard.

*I know the bible doesn't say whether or not our pets or other animals are going to heaven. The way I see it, if God loves us enough to create such a beautiful world for us to live in and give us animals to take care of, why wouldn't He have a place for our four-legged babies? He gives us the desires of our hearts. So, He knows we desire a special place for our pets when they die. I'm not saying animals can get saved. That's for God to work out. I am saying that I think God has provided a special place in heaven for those animals that have become our family.

Happy Birthday Barbara!!

Today is Mike's Aunt Barbara's birthday!!! Happy Birthday Barbara!!! You deserve only the best. Miss you lots!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Rich!!

Today is Mike's little brother's birthday. I say little brother because, as most of you know, Mike has two brother's named Richard and they both go by Rich. There is Big Rich and Little Rich. Happy Birthday Rich!! Even though you are not with your family today because of work out-of-town, know that everyone misses you and wishes you the best birthday!! Happy birthday bro!

Ball Season is here

Baseball and Softball season has started. Hannah had her first game this past Monday whereas Will had his third game at the same time. Hannah's team, the Sparks, whooped up on the DC Divas 15-0 when the umpires called the game after the third inning (I can't remember the technical term as to why they called the game but it has something to do with trying to keep it from being a total blow-out.). I've been bad because I have found a slight satisfaction in Hannah's team's win. One of the assistant coaches for the Divas was Hannah's head coach last year. He would not let the girls throw the ball during the game. Instead, he would have them run the ball to the base to get the girls out. Thank goodness the Diamond Dolls' hitting was pretty good or we could have been toast. I know, I know. I shouldn't think that way. I told you I was being bad.

Will's team, the Cubs, hasn't been doing very well. Mike said they only got two runs during the last game. They've lost all three games so far. Maybe they will get better. This is most of the boys' first time to play coach pitch. Will did get a run during one of his games. He made it to second on his hit then made it home off the next batter.

Hannah and Will both have games next Monday at the same time. Mike will take Will to his game while Andrew and I watch Hannah. They have six games that will be played at the same time at different ball parks. When Andrew starts playing ball, we may have to have one child sit out or find someone to help us. Any takers??? I don't need an immediate answer; you have about two years (at least) to decide. :-)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I Did It!!

I am proud to say "I FINISHED THE FITNESS CHALLENGE AT THE YMCA!!!" The goal was to work out for a total of 24 hours between February 16 and May 11. I had hope to finish a while ago but, because they won't allow Gracie and Nathan to come*, I had to stay home when the kids were out of school (especially while they were out for Spring Break and Good Friday.) My prize is a T-shirt. It doesn't sound like a lot but it is a big deal for me. I haven't lost much weight (I have been fluctuating between 2-5 pounds lost, depending on the day) but I can tell a BIG improvement in my stamina, endurance and strength. Doing the elliptical, I started working out for 20 minutes at a time. Now I am doing 45 minutes and feel I could probably go longer if I wanted. I have also added weights to my program. It depends on the machine as to how much weight is on it. For the Abduction/Adduction machine (works your inner and outer thighs), I can do 120 lbs and 75 lbs, respectfully. On the Abdominal machine, I do 50 lbs. Arms, I can pull down about 60-70 lbs. On the overhead press, I can only do 25 lbs but I started at 20 and have been keeping at it. I have also been participating in the Monday morning Spin class. (It is an aerobics class using the stationary bike.) Now, most of the time I can keep up with the teacher (which is saying a lot. Wendy is tough!). I was doing a Spin class on Friday mornings but they cancelled it due to the lack of participants (it was at the same time as a circuit training class). I plan to keep up my routine and add walking outside in the park, now that it is getting warmer and the weather is nice. Maybe, if I can get my eating under control and eat properly, I can get some of this weight off too. Little goals make for big rewards in the end.

*You have to be a member of the Y to use any of the facilities. You can bring a guest twice but, if they want to come more, they have to join. Nathan and Gracie have been our guests twice so they won't let them come again. I am hoping Melanie will get Nathan a memership for the summer so we can go to the pool. She did it the summer I was pregnant with Andrew. Maybe she'll do it again. I need to remember to ask her about it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Picture

The Jinnettes
12 April 2009
I have a lot more pictures to post from Easter and before but I am having trouble with my computer. Once we get it figured out, I'll try to post more.

Happy Birthday Joan

Today is my step-mom's birthday!! Hope you have a great one!! We love you!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

Easter and the days leading up to it were busy around the Jinnette household. Between ball practices, cleaning (or attempting to while the kids were home), grocery shopping and everything else we had scheduled last week, it was surprising that we didn't pass ourselves on the road.

Hannah's friend Gracie spent Thursday night here since they were out Friday for Good Friday. The girls would not settle down until I separated them around 10:30 p.m. Like always, they were asleep in about five minutes. Gracie woke up first a few minutes before 7 a.m. and woke Hannah up. After getting a bite to eat, Gracie went running down the hall, talking in a loud voice and slammed Hannah's door shut. Hannah then went racing after her, talking loudly and knocking loudly on the door. Needless to say, they woke Andrew and Will up. I was not a happy camper because I didn't sleep well the night before. The day did get a little better and the kids got along great with minimum fighting.

While I was checking my e-mail later that day, I saw a note that Grandma sent us a e-card from Blue Mountain. I opened it thinking it was an Easter card. There was a note that said something like "sorry to hear about you hurting your hand. Hope you are better soon. Love, Grandma Loach." Confused, I scrolled upwards and saw it was addressed to Will. After he saw it, he asked if we could call Grandma Loach and thank her. (He can be such a little gentleman.) Nathan and Hannah also spoke to Grandma for a few minutes before passing the phone to me. It was nice getting to talk to her.

Friday night, the kids, Mike and I went to Baskin Robbins as is our custom. Afterwards, we came home and got the kids ready for bed. Mike and I actually went to bed ourselves about 10:30, which is VERY unusual for us (our normal bedtime is between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m.). We got to sleep until 8 Saturday morning. IT WAS SOOO NICE!!! The kids were tired from their busy day and slept in. Saturday was spent cleaning house and finishing up some last minute grocery shopping.

Sunday, we went to the 9:25 service instead of Sunday school. We still had some things to do around the house and finish cooking some of the dishes before our guests came over. The early service is called a "blended" service, which is more traditional. The 11 o'clock service is a contemporary service, which is what we like with a praise band and more contemporary type worship songs. The service that morning was nice but I still prefer the second one.

We had a smaller group at our house this year. Mom came over and our friends from church, Susan and Todd with their boys David and Michael. Melanie, Nathan and his friend Coltlin came over and ate then had to leave to meet Coltlin's dad. Patti, Alyssa and Matthew didn't come over this year. Patti didn't want to be around our dog Gracy. She said she would cry about Gracy being sick and didn't want to be around her. We missed them not being there but we still had a nice time. Because it was raining outside, we had an Easter egg hunt in the living room. Susan and I hid the eggs all over, in obvious and not-so-obvious places. Susan hid some in the pile of Lego's that were in the floor, thinking that the kids would never find them. (They were some of the first to go.) Some places we thought would be easy for the kids turned out to be a little more difficult. They were hid on top of the VCR, in a candlestick on the mantle, on the floor in the entry hall closet doorway, under pillows on the couch and in Hannah's sweater on the back of the love seat. One was hid on top of the cloth medallion on the curtain covering the front door. It was in plain sight for Susan and me but the kids almost never found it. The four of them (David, Michael, Hannah and Will) had a blast looking for them. It was almost as fun as if they had been outside.

After everyone left, Mike and I finished cleaning up and got the kids into bed. I was soo tired that I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up around 11 and then Mike and I both went to bed. We were both wiped!! We did get some pictures of the five of us in our Easter outfits. I will try to download them tomorrow and post them on my blog and on Facebook. Most of them turned out great.

Well, this is all for now. I need to go and rest up because tomorrow is going to be another hectic day. All three kids have school; I have a board meeting at church; Hannah has practice at 5:30 at Horn Lake High School; and Will has a game at 7:30 at Snowden Grove (clear across town from where Hannah is practicing). I don't know how or what I am going to feed them. If I make something and have them eat at home, it will have to be around 4 or 4:30. Fun, fun, fun!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

It's Good Friday and I've been so busy I haven't got a chance to think about the significance of the day, until now. Two thousand years ago, Jesus was betrayed, beaten, whipped, lied about and thoroughly humiliated and degraded. His "friends" ran at the first sign of trouble. His Father turned His back on him. Jesus was left alone among his persecutors and torturers to die a very painful and grueling death. But, that didn't stop him from loving them and forgiving them. If it were me, I don't think I could have done it. I would just say "Leave me alone!! Go away!! You weren't there when I desperately needed you!" Thanks to God that my salvation doesn't come from what I do (or have done) or who I forgive. My salvation comes from Jesus, fully God and fully man, GOD INCARNATE who forgives ME!!!!

Praise to God that we don't worship a Savior that is dead and still in the ground. We worship a Savior that rose from the dead, lives in Heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father as an intercessor on our behalf. After Jesus died, God ripped the temple veil between the Holy place and the Most Holy place from TOP to BOTTOM! No human man could have done this. Only God could do it as a symbol that we no long need a temple high priest to act as an intercessor. Now, through Jesus' death AND resurrection, WE can approach God's heavenly throne and ask for forgiveness of our sin and be forgiven.

Thank you, Jesus, for your act of sacrifice. Thank you for dying on the cross for me and my sins. Thank you that all I have to do is ask for forgiveness and for you to live in my heart forever and it is done. Praise you God for being our Heavenly Father who loves us so much that you couldn't let us die without giving us a chance to follow you. AMEN!!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Don't you just hate it when you want to remember to tell something to someone and, when you get the chance, you forget what it was you wanted to say. That's me. Earlier today, something happened or was said (I forget which now) that I wanted to post here on the blog, but, have now forgotten what it was. Of course, I'll remember after I log off and the computer is in the process of shutting down. It always seems to happen that way, at least to me.

Well, I guess it will have to wait until another time. That is, if I remember what it was I wanted to post and if I remember to write it down and don't lose my note.

OHHHHH, I REMEMBER!!!! Saturday, all five of us went and got haircuts. Andrew and Hannah were first and sat in chairs next to each other. Usually, Andrew screams, cries and tries to get out of the chair. This time, he sat there like a big boy, not making a sound, no tears running down his face, and waited until the hairdresser (I think her name was Toyia) was finished. We were so proud of him!!!! YEAH!!! As usual, Hannah and Will both did great as they got their hair cut. Afterwards, they each got a balloon and played with them for the rest of the day.

I think there was something else I wanted to post but, if so, it's not coming to the forefront. So, I'm going to log off and get ready for bed. Good night everyone!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Another Set of Birthdays

There are two very special birthdays today: Baron and Gracy. They are 10 years old. Man, how time flies. They are very special to our family. Happy birthday babies!!! We all love you very much.

Good News/Bad News

We have good news and bad news. Bad news first - Andrew has pink eye. Last night as I was getting him ready for his bath, I noticed a lot of green mucous coming out of his left eye. This morning, his eyes weren't matted together but they had dried junk around both eyes and the skin around his eyes looked pink. The doctor diagnosed it as pink eye. He gave us some drops and told us to watch our hands really good until it is gone. Knock on wood - Hannah is the only one that doesn't have anything wrong. Mike has allergies, my left wrist is sprained, Will has the pencil lead in his hand and Andrew has pink eye.

Good news - Fed Ex laid off about 1000 people today and Mike WAS NOT one of them. It's a mixed blessing because 10 people in his group were laid off, including his friend Debra. There was no rhyme or reason as to the lay-off selection. Pray for the families affected. This event is going to hit Memphis and the surrounding area hard.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A couple of scares

Boy, when it rains, it pours. We have had a couple of things happen here that have our family going "WHOA!" Nothing serious, but serious enough.

First, last week Mike asked Dr. Hooker, Gracy's doctor, if it would be okay for her to go swimming. Since we were told not to let her run for ANY reason, we thought we should check. Dr. Hooker said she thought that would be great exercise for her without putting any undo stress on her front paw. Sunday afternoon, Mike took the dogs down to the lake behind our house. He threw the buoy out into the lake for the first time and Gracy swam out to get it. When she got back to the bank, she could hardly walk. She had trouble getting out of the water and could hardly use her back legs. (As a side note, because she is favoring her front paw, she is having to compensate with her back legs, which are have been giving her trouble for a while.) Mike had to carry her some of the way back to the house. Ever since, she has really been favoring her back leg too. Mike checked her out really carefully and thinks Gracy strained or pulled a muscle. Now, the poor girl is limping on her front right paw and her back left leg. Other than that, she seems okay. She is eating good and is still interacting with the family okay. In fact, last night she was rolling around on the living room floor scratching her back and making funny noises. Mike and I are still watching her for signs of major discomfort and pain.

Second, about 2 p.m. today, as I was getting ready to leave to pick up Nathan I got a call from the kids' school. Will accidentally sat on a pencil and got the lead stuck in the palm of his hand. Mrs. Klink, a Guidance clerk, said she had tried to get the lead out with some tweezers but it was too deep. She put some peroxide and a band-aid on it to keep it from bothering Will. Mom called me as I was getting in the car and volunteered to pick up Nathan for me. When I picked up the kids, Alecia, Gracie's mom, told me to bring Gracie by her office. So, my three and I went to the Methodist Minor Medical Clinic to see if they could help. (I had already spoken to Will's doctor's office and they suggested taking him to the Emergency room.) Dr. Politi was able to get a couple of small pieces out but said the rest just turned to a consistency like chalk dust when he tried to retrieve it. He gave Will a topical ointment to deaden the area but Will still felt pain. So, Dr. Politi gave him some Lidocaine. Will started crying really hard because it hurt really bad. My heart still aches over it. We were given a prescription for an antibiotic to help ward off infection and told to watch for signs of possible infection. Will seems to be doing okay. He says it hurts occasionally so we are keeping it bandaged and covered in Neosporin.

Third, we have been trying to get our cabin listed with Fireside Chalet and Cabins to get some rental income. We have had a few set backs but hope to start renting it in the next few days. While we are working on this, we got the standard "Foreclosure" letter from a lawyer's office notifying us that foreclosure proceedings are pending if we don't start paying what we owe. Joy of joys (hear the sarcasm dripping from my keyboard...) We also got a letter from the new Property Owners' Association saying we owe our home owners dues for the last four months and for four months of cable, since we did not have a rental company taking them out for us. Fun, fun, fun..... (sarcasm again).

Can we go to bed, wake up the next morning and everything be right again? It sure would be nice. On a positive note, the Redemption revival was AWESOME!!! The Spirit of God moved in a remarkable way this past weekend. Lives were touched and changed. Saturday morning, we prayed "pockets of prayer" about the city and surrounding area; community leaders; against poverty, drugs, violence, apathy, racism, and any other "isms" that are here; we prayed for God to move in a mighty and miraculous way; to move mountains that stood in our way; and that Memphis would not be known for her past kings (cotton, BB, Elvis, and Dr. Martin Luther, Jr.) but for the King of Kings. Priscilla gave awesome messages and the music was uplifting and powerful. Her brother, Anthony Evans sang with some of his friends. Beverly Crawford also sang and danced. It was an awesome event.