Psalm 27:1

The Lord is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Let's Do Lunch Book Review

Book Summary:  With Let's Do Lunch, you EAT UNTIL FULL in ALL the food groups, including all you want of unprocessed starchy carbs, the sweetest fresh fruits and fruit smoothies, lean red meat, corn thins, cheese, healthy fats, veggies, whole-grain cereals and crispbreads, dark brown and wild rice, snacks, dressings, condiments, and sauces.  But because these foods stabilize your blood sugar, your body FORCES you to become less and less hungry with each passing day.  Thus, you begin to eat less and less, consume fewer and fewer calories, and lose all the weight you want.

In Let's Do Lunch, Roger Troy reveals:
*  Eat until full whenever you are hungry, no matter how often that is and no matter how many calories you consume (even if you start by eating 10,000 calories a day)-thus eliminating your hunger cravings.

*  Your body can't tell the difference between starchy carbs, so when you eat the Let's Do Lunch starchy carbs, it eliminates your cravings for the fattening starchy carbs.

  Your body can't tell the difference between sugars, so when you eat the sweetest fresh fruits and fruit smoothies, it eliminates your cravings for all the foods made with fattening sugar in them.

My Review:  My curiosity was peaked by Roger Troy Wilson's claims that you can eat until you are full in all the food groups and still lose weight.  His own story is remarkable:  he lost 230 pounds and 24 inches off his waist and kept is off for years using this program.  It is one he developed (with God's help) through trial and error.  The strategy he uses is interesting.  You start out eating A LOT of fruit (as much as you can eat) before meals and for snacks.  You also use beans in place of starches like potatoes and eat your biggest meal (i.e. protein) at lunch.

I'm not sure how I feel about this plan.  On one hand, eating until I am full and not having to count calories or points is very appealing.  You don't avoid any food groups like some programs suggest.  Roger Troy also gives you tips on fighting cravings like chocolate, Cokes, pizza, bread, etc.  I can use these tips in my everyday life.  But, the idea of eating as much fruit as I can EVERY TIME I get hungry sounds sickening.  You do have to do some substituting and keeping it straight while taking care of three kids and a husband is too involved for my lifestyle.  The idea and research behind eating your biggest meal at lunch is appealing and interesting.  The actual application in my household is very difficult due to kids in school and my husband at work.  We like to sit around the dinner table together and talk about the day while eating.  We wouldn't be able to do that on the Let's Do Lunch plan.  I would recommend this book for anyone who wants to try different weight loss options and who can follow the plan.  As for me, it is a little too complicated for me during this busy time in my life.

This book can be purchased at

This book was provided by Thomas Nelson Publishers for review.

Roger Troy Wilson had achieved success in many different areas of his life but just couldn't overcome his only meaningful failure...his obesity.  Then, after trying and failing at diet after diet, he decided the only logical way to find the answers to his problem would be to use trial and error to discover what works and doesn't work.  With the help of God, he came up with those answers and wrote a book that reveals them -Let's Do Lunch.  In the process, he lost 230 pounds and 24 inches from his waist and has kept it off for years.  Wilson and his wife, Anita, reside in Bonita Springs, Florida.

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