The reason for the lack of posts on our blog is because things have been busy around here. Even though soccer practice and games are over, life hasn't slowed down. This past Saturday was spent giving the house a good cleaning, something we haven't been able to do since soccer started. Sunday, Hannah and I went grocery shopping while Mike worked and Will watched television. Andrew was taking a nap and trying to get rid of a fever of between 101-103 degrees.
The kids are looking forward to this weekend. Friday we are leaving to go to Mike's cousin's wedding. Since it is about an eight hour drive, we are checking the kids out of school early so we don't arrive in the middle of the night. The wedding is in a little town NE of Atlanta.
While we are there, we are going to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family. For the last five years, we have gone to Mike's aunts and grandmother's house for Thanksgiving. Since CJ was getting married two weeks before the holiday, we all decided to celebrate while we were together. It is weird planning to spend Thanksgiving here at home. We started going to NC when Will was six months old.
I am really proud of Hannah and Will. They both have done very well in their conduct at school. Hannah is the only one in her class that has not flipped a card and gotten off green light. [The teachers use a color code to determine their level of behavior. Each child starts off on Green light (which is good). If they do something that is wrong or has to be corrected, the child has to change their card and color.] Will is also doing great with his conduct at school. He has only gotten into trouble once. During the third or fourth week of school, he squirted juice on another child at lunch. Doing this caused him to get a yellow light (which means they did something wrong. No other punishment is needed.) Their grades are also very good.
I have to tell some stories about Andrew. He has been talking up a storm (except at school). He is like a mynah bird: he repeats just about everything he hears. At night while we are trying to get the kids in bed, Mike and I start singing the "High Ho" song from "Snow White." You know, "High ho, high ho, it's off to work we go." We substitute bed for work. Mike whistles part while the rest of us just sing "Do do do do....." Anytime during the day or night whenever you mention the words "time for bed" Andrew starts singing "Hi Ho" and "do do do do..." It is hilarious!!!!
Tonight after dinner, Andrew climbed into my lap and was trying to get down. I asked him, "What do you say?" thinking he would ask for permission to get down like the other two do. Instead, he looks up at me with the biggest, cheesiest grin on his face and says "PEEEAAASSSEEE!!!" I couldn't help myself and started laughing.
Last Saturday, Mike and I took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese because they had done so well at school. Now, every time we pass Chuck E. Cheese (or anytime he thinks about it), Andrew starts saying, "Hannah go Chuck E. Cheese." "Will go Chuck E. Cheese." The problem is he says it over, and over, and over, and over and over etc.
Something else he does that is funny is he wants to know what you are doing. One day I was emptying and reloading the dishwasher. He walks up and asks "Doing, Mama, doing?" I tell him "I am emptying and loading the dishwasher, Andrew." He asks me again, "Doing, Mama?" I tell him the same thing. This goes on for about five minutes; each time my answer gets shorter and shorter in length. Finally, he asks me about three times, "Doing, Mama?" and I answer "Dishes." He then just walks off and starts playing. It was really cute.