Psalm 27:1

The Lord is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I'm Back!!!

Sorry for not posting anything lately. My in-laws were in town this past week and left Saturday afternoon. Needless to say, the most I did on the computer was download my e-mails every now and then and do a quick check for anything important. It was great having Dick and Daphne here. We really enjoyed their visit and hated to see them leave.

Dick helped Mike by working on the kids' clubhouse. We have one of the wooden play systems in our backyard and Mike has been wanting to expand it by adding a climbing wall, monkey bars and a curved slide (my Dad found it for us a few years back). Mike had to work this week so Dick got working on the new parts. By the time he left, most of the work was done. Mike had to finish the climbing wall, attach the slide, finish one of the ladders and work on the railings. As of tonight, the railings are the only thing left to do. The kids have had a blast playing on it. I'll post some pictures of it when it is completed.

The temperatures here have been killer. During the day, it has been 99-102 degrees with heat index between 102 and 112. Even at night, there is no relief. Last night during the 10 p.m. newscast, the weather man said it was around 96 with a heat index of 100. Winter time is looking awfully good right about now.

I have pictures of our living room (it is finished!! YEAH!!) and of Dick and Daphne's visit and I am going to try to download them this week. On Sundays, the Women's Ministry circle I head up works with the baby/child dedications by taking pictures and giving the child a gift. We have had dedications for the last three Sundays. When I get a chance, my first priority is downloading those pictures, getting them cleaned up and e-mailed to the parents. After I do that, I will post more pictures on here. I PROMISE!!!

I have to brag on my dad a little bit. He came up with an ingenious way to make a hide-a-bed a whole lot more comfortable to sleep on. He took some plywood and cut it to fit the inside of the bed frame, allowing room for the bed to fold. He drilled holes along the edge of the plywood and used zip ties to attach the wood to the bed frame. The mattress fits on top like before. You don't feel the bed frame in the middle of your back anymore. Mike and I slept on our hide-a-bed while Dick and Daphne were here and could tell a major difference after adding Dad's idea. The bed is a little harder to fold up the first couple of times but eventually it gets better. Our couch even sits a little firmer too. Daddy did this for their couches at home and in their camper and recommends it for anyone who has a sleeper sofa. THANKS DAD!!!

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